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Expanding Your Thinking & Leadership with Case Studies

Learn from a panel consisting of experts from within and outside of the fresh floral and produce industry as they share their experience and wisdom on how to expand your thinking and fine tune leadership to grow your business. 

Panelists Carlos Oramas, CEO, Gems Group, Inc., Don Sanderson, Group Vice President Foods and Meijer Express, Meijer,  and Angela Santiago, Chief Executive Officer, The Little Potato Company joined PMA Chief Strategy & Membership Officer, Lauren M. Scott to discuss lessons learned from the case studies of companies that have expanded their thinking to grow their product line, operations, and teams.


6 Case Studies: Expand Your Thinking & Leadership to Grow Your Business
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Open to view video. This module was originally broadcast in March of 2021 as part of IFPA's Virtual Town Hall Series. The video from that broadcast is supported by additional learning materials to help build upon the expertise shared through this candid and revealing conversation. NOTE! This is an on-demand module, and you can stop the video whenever you wish - the system will start it again where you left off when you return.
Supplemental Guide: Expanding Your Thinking & Leadership through 6 Case Studies
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Open to download resource. It’s important to stay agile, innovative and open minded to grow your business in any year, but with the uncertainty of the past year it has never been more important to embody these characteristics for the success and survival of your business. Through 6 Case Studies outlined in this document, learn how change and challenge can be turned into growth opportunities.
Case Studies: How & Why to Use Them
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Open to download resource.